Monday, February 18, 2019

Species decline doesn’t just happen elsewhere. It’s a serious Irish problem

The evidence is stacking up side by side with confirmation of human-induced global warming: we are living in the sixth age of mass extinction. The combination of species decline and a warming world means the Earth is careering towards a catastrophic collapse of ecosystems.
Article courtesy of The Irish Times by Kevin O'Sullivan

What would a national emergency over climate change look like?

Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar took to Twitter to call on the next president to declare climate change a national emergency upon taking office. If the idea catches on, 2020 Democrats might have to decide not only whether they support the Green New Deal, but also whether they would be willing to take that commitment to the next level.
Article courtesy of Grist by 

Cost of Climate Change: Nuisance Flooding Adds Up for Annapolis’ Historic City Dock

Flooding in the Annapolis area is so common, in fact—63 times in 2017 by one measure—that it's beginning to have a noticeable impact on local businesses by driving away customers.
Article courtesy of Inside Climate News by Nicholas Kusnetz

New NASA Study Solves Climate Mystery, Confirms Methane Spike Tied to Oil and Gas

Over the past few years, natural gas has become the primary fuel that America uses to generate electricity, displacing the long-time king of fossil fuels, coal. In 2019, more than a third of America's electrical supply will come from natural gas, with coal falling to a second-ranked 28 percent, the Energy Information Administration predicted this month, marking the growing ascendency of gas in the American power market.
Article courtesy of Ecowatch by Sharon Kelly 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Puerto Rico governor says island is incorporating climate change innovation into rebuilding process

Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rosselló told Hill.TV's "Rising" on Wednesday that the island is working to rebuild itself in the years after Hurricane Maria while working to combat climate change.
Article courtesy of The Hill by Julie Manchester

Today’s Earth looks a lot like it did 115,000 years ago. All we’re missing is massive sea level rise.

The Earth was coming to the end of a major warm period. It was one that’s quite close to our current climate, but with one major discrepancy — seas at the time were 20 to 30 feet higher.

During this ancient period, sometimes called the Eemian, the oceans were about as warm as they are today.
This article courtesy of The Washington Post by Chris Mooney

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The False Choice Between Economic Growth and Combatting Climate Change

Sea level rise could affect $14bn NZ council infrastructure

Up to $14 billion worth of council-owned assets across New Zealand - not to mention the costs to central government and private interests - are at risk from sea level rise, according to the first report linking council infrastructure and climate data.
Article courtesy of RNZ News

U.S. Midwest Freezes, Australia Burns: This Is the Age of Weather Extremes

In Chicago, officials warned about the risk of almost instant frostbite on what could be the city’s coldest day ever. Warming centers opened around the Midwest. And schools and universities closed throughout the region as rare polar winds streamed down from the Arctic.
Article Courtesy of The New York Times by Somini Sengupta

Increasing temperatures from climate change may harm babies' hearts

The report, released today, warns that heat exposure for mothers across the U.S. is set to rise. Previous research has found a link between pregnant women's heat exposure and congenital heart defects in their babies.
Article Courtesy of The Daily Climate by Brian Bienkowski

Low-Carbon Diets Are Good for the Planet, and Your Health

For most of human history, sticking to a diet was pretty simple—you ate whatever you could get your hands on. But in this era of dietary excess, things have gotten extremely complicated. Conscious consumers need to consider the health implications of the foods they eat as well as the types of chemicals used in their production, the exploitation of farm labor, whether food animals are treated humanely, and just how much damage their afternoon snack is doing to the climate.
Article courtesy of Sierra by Jason Daley